HeartBeat 5000

team lola

Friday Blues is a fundraising effort that is done by Landmark Community Bank. Every Friday in May and June the Landmark staff will pay a fee to wear jeans to raise money for the Heartbeat 5000. This is a walk that raises money for Children’s Hospital and the work they do with children born with Congenital Heart Defects/Disease (CHD). This year the 5K walk is on Saturday, June 21st. We are raising money for Team Lola. Lola Johnson is the daughter of T. Ryan Johnson, Landmark Bank’s Vice President/CFO. Lola was born with a heart defect and was saved by Children’s Hospital just a few short years ago. Last year Team Lola raised $11,404.00 which was 2nd place of 107 teams. Click here to learn how you can join in the effort. This is a great cause, so let’s all do what we can to make a difference!